Monday, May 1, 2017


"Geographically isolated from the rest of the world for over 80 million years, Madagascar is certainly a world unto itself. Flora and fauna have developed independently from the rest of the planet. Animals and plants that have become extinct elsewhere live on here, the world’s 4th largest island. Even more striking is the degree of endemism (species that occur nowhere else): tenrecs, fossa, upside-down trees, giraffe-necked weevils, 33 species of lemur. This unique development has led to the island being known as the ‘8th Continent’."
That's the description that attracted us to yet another of TDA's cycling excursions. The island is 1600 km and we'll be cycling a route of nearly 2800 km as shown on the map. More info is at the TDA website - - as well as other tours that they run.
We depart Vancouver on Wednesday May 3rd, arriving late the following night in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. We'll do some touring on our own for a bit over a week before the cycling part of the trip begins on May 17th. If you wish to follow us, we'll try to share some experiences and photos in this blog. We'll likely try to post on rest days which may be as much as 6 days apart, when we are more likely to have internet access. Hope you enjoy our ride as much as we do.


  1. Hi, We certainly respect your desire and commitment and like your passion for cycling. We want you to have a fantastic time. We'll follow your posts and watch as you climb and ride. MandM

  2. Thanks, we fully intend to do all that.
